A group of researchers who aim for the best informations that could deliver to the participants especially this group of researchers will establish a workshop. The group, Iris, is composed of six members that are going to build a wokshop all about the Cyberbullying and how they can save victims from it. In this workshop, the group are expecting that the workshop will help the people understand more the concept of the Cyberbullying and how can they help to save others that became a victim of this problem.
Hi! Do you want to be part of our workshop team? DM me at ap.johnace.estoque@apecschools.edu.ph
Halexandra Llegado
Hello! Are you willing to share your thoughts with us about Cyberbullying? DM me at ap.halexandra.llegado@apecschools.edu.ph Or simply hit the button below!
Brianne Aquino
Hey! Share your thoughts with us! We would love to hear those. DM me at ap.briannemica.aquino@apecschools.edu.ph